Laptop showing Henri's support page

We're Glad You're Here

...and We're Here to Help!

Laptop showing Henri's support page

We value our relationship and will be here to guide you every step of the way. Not a Partner yet? Get more information today!

Become a Partner

How can we assist?

Our Support team is here for you every step of the way. If you’re having technical difficulties, need to report a bug, or have other questions or feedback, please let us know so we can assist!

We're always improving, be part of the change.

Our Product and Development team is always working on improving Henri for our property managers and residents. We love to hear from them on how we can improve their experience. Submit an idea for a new feature or request an enhancement to a current feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

While we have some learning tools, we believe the best knowledge base are our seasoned Henri Experts. Through training to refresher courses, and even general support related questions, we will ensure your teams have the tools they need to succeed.

Henri's white-glove partner support will be there every step of the way. While general response time is 24-48 hours, you can expect our dedicated, personable support team to get back to you within a couple of hours.

While the process varies slightly for those not using HenriPay, our dedicated Partner Support team will be there to support you through your entire relationship with us, not just the onboarding process.

Our support team wants to assist you, our client, in any way that we can. While we can speak with residents, we ask that your team be present in any communications we have with the residents. This will ensure clarity for all members involved and ensure your property management company is properly represented.